Although pwv_kpno is primarily designed for correcting photometric observations, it can also be used to correct spectra. However, it is strongly recommended to read the Validation section first.
Correcting observed spectra for PWV effects is achieved in four steps:
It is important to note that the atmospheric models used by pwv_kpno are may be at a higher wavelength resolution than the observed spectra. This means that the modeled transmission function must first be binned to a lower resolution before interpolating to the observed wavelengths. Fortunately, pwv_kpno makes this process easy.
For demonstration purposes, assume you wish to correct an observation that was taken through an airmass of 1.5 on December 15, 2013, at 05:35:00 UTC. The binned transmission function corresponding to this observation is given by:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | >>> import numpy as np
>>> from pwv_kpno import pwv_atm
>>> # Meta-data about the observation to be corrected
>>> bin_resolution = 16
>>> obsv_date = datetime(year=2013,
>>> month=12,
>>> day=15,
>>> hour=5,
>>> minute=35,
>>> tzinfo=pytz.utc)
>>> # Determine the binned transmission function
>>> bins = np.arange(3000, 12000, bin_resolution)
>>> transmission = pwv_atm.trans_for_date(obsv_date, 1.5, bins)
We then interpolate the binned transmission for the observed wavelengths and
use the scipy
package to smooth the transmission function with a Gaussian
kernel. Here we assume the wavelengths are stored in the array
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | >>> # Interpolate the transmission function to match observed wavelengths
>>> interped_transmission = np.interp(observed_wavelength_array,
>>> transmission['wavelength'],
>>> transmission['transmission'])
>>> # Smooth the modeled transmission function
>>> standard_deviation = 2
>>> gaussian_transmission = gaussian_filter(interp_transmission,
>>> standard_deviation)
Finally, the corrected spectrum can then be found by dividing the observed flux
by the transmission on a wavelength by wavelength basis. Assuming the
uncorrected flux values are stored in an array called observed_flux_array
this is programmatically equivalent to:
1 | >>> corrected_spec = np.divide(observed_flux_array, gaussian_transmission)