Release a new version of pittgoogle-client

This page shows how to release a new version of pittgoogle-client. Completing these instructions and clicking “Publish” will trigger the following to happen automatically:


  1. Make sure the code in the main branch is ready for release.

  2. Make sure the file has been updated to include all changes being released.

  3. On the repo’s GitHub releases page:

    • Click “Draft a new release”.

    • Under “Choose a tag”, enter the version tag as “v” followed by the release version (semantic versioning MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH).

    • Enter the same tag for the release title.

    • Under “Write”, paste in the relevant section of describing the release.

    • Click “Publish release”.

Completing step 3 will (or should) cause the new version to be published to the three places listed above. View the GitHub Actions page to see the status of the release process.

If all went well, you will now be able to install the new version using:

pip install --upgrade pittgoogle-client

This release process was implemented and described in pull #7.