Get alerts for testing
import pittgoogle
Get alerts from a Pub/Sub subscription
If you need to create the subscription, follow the example in pittgoogle.pubsub.Subscription
Here are examples that get an alert from each of our “loop” streams:
# Choose one of the following
loop_sub = pittgoogle.Subscription("rubin-loop", schema_name="lsst.v7_1.alert")
loop_sub = pittgoogle.Subscription("elasticc-loop", schema_name="elasticc.v0_9_1.alert")
loop_sub = pittgoogle.Subscription("ztf-loop", schema_name="ztf")
alert = loop_sub.pull_batch(max_messages=1)[0]
Get alerts from a file on disk
# [TODO] Add code snippet
Get alerts from Cloud Storage
# [TODO] Add code snippet
Get alerts from BigQuery
# [TODO] Add code snippet