2. Custom Sites and Settings¶
The pwv_kpno package provides access to models for the atmospheric transmission due to PWV at any site within the SuomiNet GPS network. However, the package is configured by default to return models for Kitt Peak National Observatory. This page provides instructions on how to add and retrieve models for additional sites.
2.1. Available Sites and Settings¶
A list of sites that are available with a particular install of pwv_kpno can be retrieved by running
1 2 3 4 | >>> from pwv_kpno.package_settings import settings
>>> print(settings.available_sites)
The returned list will contain the default location 'kitt_peak'
addition to any custom locations that have been installed on your current
machine. The package can be configured to model a particular location by
1 | >>> settings.set_site('cerro_tololo')
After setting pwv_kpno to a model a specific site, the package will return atmospheric models and PWV data exclusively for that site. It is important to note that this setting is not persistent. When pwv_kpno is first imported into a new environment the package will always default to using the standard model for Kitt Peak, and the above command will have to be rerun.
A complete summary of package settings for the current site being
modeled can be accessed by printing the settings
object. For example,
the settings for Kitt Peak are as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | >>> print(settings)
pwv_kpno Current Site Information
Site Name: kitt_peak
Primary Receiver: KITT
Secondary Receivers:
Years Downloaded from SuomiNet:
Data Cuts
Receiver Value Type Lower_Bound Upper_Bound unit
AZAM SrfcPress inclusive 880 925 mbar
KITT SrfcPress inclusive 775 1000 mbar
KITT date exclusive 2016-01-01 00:00:00 2016-04-01 00:00:00 UTC
P014 SrfcPress inclusive 870 1000 mbar
SA46 SrfcPress inclusive 900 1000 mbar
SA48 SrfcPress inclusive 910 1000 mbar
Alternatively, individual settings can be accessed individually using attributes. Of these settings,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | >>> # The unique name for the current site being modeled
>>> print(settings.site_name)
>>> # A list of all SuomiNet GPS receivers that pwv_kpno is using
>>> # data from for the current site
>>> print(settings.receivers)
['AZAM', 'KITT', 'P014', 'SA46', 'SA48']
>>> # The ID code for the primary GPS receiver which
>>> # directly measures PWV for the current site
>>> print(settings.primary_rec)
>>> # The ID codes for GPS receivers near the primary receiver.
>>> # These are used to supplement measurements from the primary receiver
>>> print(settings.supplement_rec)
['AZAM', 'P014', 'SA46', 'SA48']
>>> # Cuts applied to data downloaded from SuomiNet
>>> print(settings.data_cuts)
'AZAM': {'SrfcPress': [[880, 925]]},
'KITT': {'SrfcPress': [[775, 1000]], 'date': [[1451606400.0, 1459468800.0]]},
'P014': {'SrfcPress': [[870, 1000]]},
'SA46': {'SrfcPress': [[900, 1000]]},
'SA48': {'SrfcPress': [[910, 1000]]}
2.2. Defining a Custom Location¶
Each site modeled by pwv_kpno is defined by a unique configuration file.
The ConfigBuilder
class allows users to create customized configuration
files for any SuomiNet site. As a simple example, we create a new configuration
file for the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory near La Serena, Chile.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | >>> from pwv_kpno.package_settings import ConfigBuilder
>>> new_config = ConfigBuilder(
>>> site_name='cerro_tololo',
>>> primary_rec='CTIO',
>>> sup_rec=[]
>>> )
>>> new_config.save_to_ecsv('./cerro_tololo.ecsv')
Here site_name
specifies a unique identifier for the site being
modeled, primary_rec
is the SuomiNet ID code for the GPS receiver
located at the modeled site, and sup_rec
is a list of SuomiNet ID codes
of other, nearby receivers that can be used to supplement data taken by
. Unlike the default model for KPNO, there are no additional
receivers near the CTIO and so sup_rec
in this example is left as an
empty list (the default value).
2.3. Custom Transmission Models¶
By default, pwv_kpno models use MODTRAN estimates for the wavelength dependent
cross section of H2O. from 3,000 to 12,000 Angstroms. The optional
and cross_sections
arguments allow a user to customize
these cross sections in units of Angstroms and cm2 respectively.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | >>> from pwv_kpno.package_settings import ConfigBuilder
>>> new_config = ConfigBuilder(
>>> site_name='cerro_tololo',
>>> primary_rec='CTIO',
>>> sup_rec=[],
>>> wavelength=custom_wavelengths, # Array of wavelengths in Angstroms
>>> cross_section=custom_cross_sections # Array of cross sections in cm^2
>>> )
>>> new_config.save_to_ecsv('./cerro_tololo.ecsv')
2.4. Specifying Data Cuts¶
If desired, users can specify custom data cuts on SuomiNet data used by the package. Data cuts are defined using a 2-dimensional dictionary of boundary values. The first key specifies which receiver the data cuts apply to. The second key specifies what values to cut. Following SuomiNet’s naming convention, values that can be cut include the following:
Value | Key | Expected Units | Data Cut Type |
Date of Measurement | "Date" |
UTC timestamp | Exclude data |
Water Vapor | "PWV" |
mm | Include data |
Water Vapor Error | "PWVerr" |
mm | Include data |
Surface Pressure | "SrfcPress" |
mbar | Include data |
Surface Temperature | "SrfcTemp" |
Centigrade | Include data |
Relative Humidity | "SrfcRH" |
% | Include data |
For example, if the weather station at Cerro Tololo began to malfunction between two dates we could ignore these measurements by specifying:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | >>> data_cuts = {'CTIO':
>>> {'Date': [[timestamp_start, timestamp_start],]}
>>> }
>>> new_config = ConfigBuilder(
>>> site_name='cerro_tololo',
>>> primary_rec='CTIO',
>>> data_cuts=data_cuts
>>> )
Data cuts can also be modified for the current site being modeled via the
1 2 | >>> from pwv_kpno.package_settings import settings
>>> settings.data_cuts['CTIO']['Date'].append([timestamp_start, timestamp_start])
Note that in order for these changes to take full effect, the PWV model for the primary site must be updated. This must be performed even if you are modeling a custom site without any supplemental receivers:
1 2 3 4 | >>> from pwv_kpno import pwv_atm
>>> years_to_download = pwv_atm.downloaded_years()
>>> pwv_atm.update_models(years_to_download)
A fully worked out example on how to choose and visualize your chosen data cuts is available in the `Examples section<../../examples/html/data_cuts.html>`_.
Any modifications to the data cuts for a given site are persistent
and cannot be automatically undone. To undo any changes to
you will need to manually modify the attribute to
its previous state.
2.5. Importing a New Location¶
Once a configuration file has been created, it can be permanently added to the locally installed pwv_kpno package by running
1 2 | >>> from pwv_kpno.package_settings import settings
>>> settings.import_site_config('./cerro_tololo.ecsv')
This command only needs to be run once, after which pwv_kpno will retain the new model on disk. The package can then be configured to use the new model by running
1 2 | >>> settings.set_site('cerro_tololo')
>>> print(settings.site_name)
After setting pwv_kpno to a new location, the package will exclusively use the new model until the current Python environment is terminated.
This setting is not persistent. When pwv_kpno is first imported into a new environment the package will always default to using the standard model for Kitt Peak and the above command will have to be rerun.
2.6. Exporting Current Settings¶
The configuration file for the currently modeled location can be exported in ecsv format by running:
1 | >>> settings.export_site_config('./cerro_tololo.ecsv')
It is recommended to keep a backup of any custom configuration files added to your pwv_kpno install. This is especially important because reinstalling or updating the package will delete your custom sites.