Google Cloud Projects

You will need to be authenticated to a Google Cloud project in order to access data served by Pitt-Google Broker. Projects are free and a credit card is not required. They are easy to create and delete. One user can have many projects, and users can share projects. Access is usually managed through the Google Console using a Gmail account, as shown below.

If you already have access to a Google Cloud project, you can skip this step.

Setup a Google Cloud project

Create a project

  • Go to the Cloud Resource Manager and login with a Gmail or other Google account (go here if you need to create one).

  • Click “Create Project” (A, in the screenshot below).

  • Enter a project name.

  • Write down the project ID (B). You will need it in a future step, Set Environment Variables. (You can also Find the Project ID again later.)

  • Click “Create”.

Google Cloud project setup

Cleanup: Delete a project

If/when you are done with a Google Cloud project you can permanently delete it. Go to the Cloud Resource Manager, select your project, and click “DELETE”.