Source code for pittgoogle.utils

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
"""Classes and functions to support working with alerts and related data.

.. autosummary::


import base64
import collections
import io
import json
import logging

import astropy.table
import astropy.time
import attrs
import fastavro

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @attrs.define class Cast: """Methods to convert data types."""
[docs] @staticmethod def bytes_to_b64utf8(bytes_data): """Convert bytes data to UTF-8. Args: bytes_data (bytes): Data to be converted to UTF-8. Returns: str: The ``bytes_data`` converted to a string in UTF-8 format. """ if bytes_data is not None: return base64.b64encode(bytes_data).decode("utf-8")
[docs] @staticmethod def json_to_dict(bytes_data): """Converts JSON serialized bytes data to a dictionary. Args: bytes_data (bytes): Data to be converted to a dictionary. Returns: dict: The unpacked dictionary from the ``bytes_data``. """ if bytes_data is not None: return json.loads(bytes_data)
[docs] @staticmethod def b64json_to_dict(bytes_data): """Converts base64 encoded, JSON serialized bytes data to a dictionary. Args: bytes_data (Base64): Data to be converted to a dictionary. Returns: dict: The unpacked dictionary from the ``bytes_data``. """ if bytes_data is not None: return Cast.json_to_dict(base64.b64decode(bytes_data))
[docs] @staticmethod def avro_to_dict(bytes_data): """Converts Avro serialized bytes data to a dictionary. Args: bytes_data (bytes): Avro serialized bytes data to be converted to a dictionary. The schema must be attached in the header. Returns: dict: The unpacked dictionary from the ``bytes_data``. """ if bytes_data is not None: with io.BytesIO(bytes_data) as fin: alert_dicts = list(fastavro.reader(fin)) # list with single dict if len(alert_dicts) != 1: LOGGER.warning(f"Expected 1 Avro record. Found {len(alert_dicts)}.") return alert_dicts[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def b64avro_to_dict(bytes_data): """Converts base64 encoded, Avro serialized bytes data to a dictionary. Args: bytes_data (bytes): Base64 encoded, Avro serialized bytes data to be converted to a dictionary. Returns: dict: The unpacked dictionary from the ``bytes_data``. """ return Cast.avro_to_dict(base64.b64decode(bytes_data))
# --- Work with alert dictionaries
[docs] @staticmethod def alert_dict_to_table(alert_dict: dict) -> astropy.table.Table: """Package a ZTF alert dictionary into an Astropy Table. Args: alert_dict (dict): A dictionary containing ZTF alert information. Returns: astropy.table.Table: An Astropy Table containing the alert information. """ # collect rows for the table candidate = collections.OrderedDict(alert_dict["candidate"]) rows = [candidate] for prv_cand in alert_dict["prv_candidates"]: # astropy 3.2.1 cannot handle dicts with different keys (fixed by 4.1) prv_cand_tmp = {key: prv_cand.get(key, None) for key in candidate.keys()} rows.append(prv_cand_tmp) # create and return the table table = astropy.table.Table(rows=rows) table.meta["comments"] = f"ZTF objectId: {alert_dict['objectId']}" return table
@staticmethod def _strip_cutouts_ztf(alert_dict: dict) -> dict: """Drop the cutouts from the alert dictionary. Args: alert_dict (dict): ZTF alert formatted as a dictionary. Returns: dict: The modified `alert_dict` with the cutouts (postage stamps) removed. """ cutouts = ["cutoutScience", "cutoutTemplate", "cutoutDifference"] alert_stripped = {k: v for k, v in alert_dict.items() if k not in cutouts} return alert_stripped # dates
[docs] @staticmethod def jd_to_readable_date(jd) -> str: """Converts a Julian date to a human-readable string. Args: jd (float): Datetime value in Julian format. Returns: str: The ``jd`` in the format 'day mon year hour:min'. """ return astropy.time.Time(jd, format="jd").strftime("%d %b %Y - %H:%M:%S")
# --- Survey-specific
[docs] def ztf_fid_names() -> dict: """Return a dictionary mapping the ZTF `fid` (filter ID) to the common name.""" return {1: "g", 2: "r", 3: "i"}