Source code for pittgoogle.registry

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
"""Pitt-Google registries.

.. autosummary::


import importlib.resources
import logging
from typing import Final

import attrs
import yaml

from . import exceptions, schema

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
PACKAGE_DIR = importlib.resources.files(__package__)
SCHEMA_MANIFEST = yaml.safe_load((PACKAGE_DIR / "registry_manifests/schemas.yml").read_text())

[docs] @attrs.define(frozen=True) class ProjectIds: """Registry of Google Cloud Project IDs.""" pittgoogle: Final[str] = "ardent-cycling-243415" """Pitt-Google's production project.""" pittgoogle_dev: Final[str] = "avid-heading-329016" """Pitt-Google's testing and development project.""" # pittgoogle_billing: Final[str] = "light-cycle-328823" # """Pitt-Google's billing project.""" elasticc: Final[str] = "elasticc-challenge" """Project running classifiers for ELAsTiCC alerts and reporting to DESC."""
[docs] @attrs.define(frozen=True) class Schemas: """Registry of schemas used by Pitt-Google. Examples: .. code-block:: python # View list of registered schema names. pittgoogle.Schemas().names # Load a schema (choose a name from above and substitute it below). schema = pittgoogle.Schemas().get(schema_name="ztf") # View more information about all the schemas. pittgoogle.Schemas().manifest **For Developers**: :doc:`/for-developers/add-new-schema` ---- """
[docs] @staticmethod def get(schema_name: str | None) -> schema.Schema: """Return the schema with name matching `schema_name`. Returns: Schema: Schema from the registry with name matching `schema_name`. Raises: SchemaError: If a schema with name matching `schema_name` is not found in the registry. SchemaError: If a schema definition cannot be loaded but one will be required to read the alert bytes. """ # If no schema_name provided, return the default. if schema_name is None: LOGGER.warning("No schema name provided. Returning a default schema.") mft_schema = [ schema for schema in SCHEMA_MANIFEST if schema["name"] == "default_schema" ][0] return schema.Schema._from_yaml(schema_dict=mft_schema) # Return the schema with name == schema_name, if one exists. for mft_schema in SCHEMA_MANIFEST: if mft_schema["name"] == schema_name: return schema.Schema._from_yaml(schema_dict=mft_schema) # Return the schema with name ~= schema_name, if one exists. for mft_schema in SCHEMA_MANIFEST: # Case 1: Split by "." and check whether first and last parts match. # Catches names like 'lsst.v<MAJOR>_<MINOR>.alert' where users replace '<..>' with custom values. split_name, split_mft_name = schema_name.split("."), mft_schema["name"].split(".") if all([split_mft_name[i] == split_name[i] for i in [0, -1]]): return schema.Schema._from_yaml(schema_dict=mft_schema, name=schema_name) # That's all we know how to check so far. raise exceptions.SchemaError( f"{schema_name} not found. For valid names, see `pittgoogle.Schemas().names`." )
@property def names(self) -> list[str]: """Names of all registered schemas. A name from this list can be used with the :meth:`Schemas.get` method to load a schema. Capital letters between angle brackets indicate that you should substitute your own values. For example, to use the LSST schema listed here as ``"lsst.v<MAJOR>_<MINOR>.alert"``, choose your own major and minor versions and use like ``pittgoogle.Schemas.get("lsst.v7_1.alert")``. View available schema versions by following the `origin` link in :attr:`Schemas.manifest`. """ return [schema["name"] for schema in SCHEMA_MANIFEST] @property def manifest(self) -> list[dict]: """List of dicts containing the registration information of all known schemas.""" return SCHEMA_MANIFEST